Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading, 45 mins: 

Embark on a transformative journey with Noel in a live, video-recorded “Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading.” Let’s travel together into your Akashic Hall of Records, where you’ll receive channeled guidance from your Higher Self, guides, angels, and galactic family. Discover the essence of your soul, your connection to galactic races, and your unique soul blueprint. You’ll also uncover your mystical connections, including dragons, animal totems, and more.

This reading isn’t just about gaining knowledge—it’s about deepening your connection to your true purpose. By accessing ancient wisdom and Alchemy, you’ll gain profound insights into your gifts, empowering you to walk your most authentic and organic timeline. With this clarity, you’ll be better equipped to navigate your life’s path, make aligned decisions, and fully embrace who you are meant to be.

If you’re ready to unlock deeper insight into yourself and align with your soul’s purpose, book your session now. Take the next step on your journey today!

Book your Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading now for only $97.99

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Disclaimer: Noel Longo is not a medical professional. Nothing expressed or written here is intended to replace any advice provided to you by a medical professional. Healing and medicine are two separate disciplines. The modalities I use are the art of healing, not the practice of medicine.

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