13 ways to prepare for a R.A.A.H. Reiki Session

In preparation for your session, please read the items below thoroughly

1) This process can take about 1.5 hoursIf conducting online your phone will work just fine, but a wi-fi connection will ensure that Zoom will have a strong connection during the meeting. The session will be video recorded. Please ensure you download the Zoom application prior, test the camera and mic settings, and make sure your device is fully charged. It is recommended to take the day of session off to allow the process of self healing.

Click here to the Zoom Help Page if you’re having trouble.

Ensure to have these crystals, a selenite and black tourmaline or black obsidian or or shungite crystal? These are important in aiding through the session and to ground after. 

2) Set your intent, be clear with your Higher Self about why you are seeking a session. There are several reasons one might seek a session and being able to convey this will be most helpful. Some common reasons people have sessions are as follows- energy blockages, illness, health, balance energies & chakras, cleanse, cut & transmute negative cords, negative implants, at times immunization shots, entity removal, heal energy blockages, auric fields, expand spiritual gifts… 

Illnesses are energy imbalances and blockages that we have created within ourselves. Our body tries to speak to us through these signs. Examples being- cancer being unexpressed emotions turning into anger. Diabetes- lack of sweetness/love in your life. Arthritis- holding on to something/someone very tightly, not releasing. Throat Disorders- not speaking your truth, fear of speaking out.

3) Practice connecting to your Higher Self, intent to balance the ego mind: start by saying to yourself both out loud and inside your mind, “I have clear and direct communication with my Higher Self”. Understanding that this expanded presence is within you – and not external to you – will allow the healing to flow more freely in your session.

4) Practice surrender and allowance when speaking to the Higher Self. Your ego mind might try to interfere when you are speaking to your Higher Self. When it tries to interfere, ask it with love and respect to step aside. Envision it as a child, give it a hug, and explain to it that you are trying to do this for your highest good. You have needed your ego your whole life as it has been your protection and a great teacher to keep you safe.

Envision yourself as a leaf floating on a river. The large body of water is your higher self who is one with Source/Creator. The leaf allows for the river to be taken in whichever current/direction is needed by surrendering and allowance.

5) Drink water. Water equals consciousness, it is the conductor to higher frequencies! You can think of your body as a vehicle that requires fuel to operate. The water is your fuel to facilitate a strong connection to, and communication with, other realms. Start today! Continue to drink plenty of water up until the start of your session. With every glass of water, set the intent to release all that does not serve you for your highest good.

6) Leave expectations at the door. Every session is as unique as the individual who has one. Your session will unfold in your own consciousness in your own way, and will more beautifully do so if you don’t expect certain things to happen or not happen.

7) Are you a coffee or tea drinker? Don’t have too many caffeine drinks before your session. You want to be relaxed, but you do not want to be nursing a caffeine withdrawal headache by going cold turkey.

8) If you use recreational drugs, please do not use them 1 week prior. Otherwise, we will have a hard time in connecting you to the self healin

9) Eat a snack or light meal prior to your session. 

10) Dress very comfortably in white or light, loose clothing and minimal jewelry – and go easy on the mascara. Tears are very common, they are “release healing mechanisms” and are most welcome.

11) Self-healing: When you have a session, your Higher Self initiates the self-healing process that we all possess by connecting you to your auric sphere and correcting deficiencies it identifies. If you do not believe it is working, it will not. You must also put forth the effort to self-heal by meditation and connecting yourself to the healing process.

Truly all answers are within, as your Higher Self holds them within you. Or more accurately you – your conscious mind – exists within that Higher Aspect. So your Higher Self is not at all separate from you. This is a wonderful and empowering idea, but one that is difficult to grasp at times, especially since most of us have been programmed, from birth to look for guidance and answers from others.                                                                     

12) Practice quieting your mind as best as you can with meditation or perhaps even some quiet time out in nature. You mustn’t be looking at your phone or focusing on work or other obligations. 

Information can come in many of these ways! You will be ahead of the game if you practice this before your appointment. Your Higher Self uses your imagination as a language to speak to you. Absorbing that idea and doing a bit of preparation to stimulate your imagination is a good way to prepare.

Click here to my video on, Into the Cave of Creation, Divine Mothers Womb This guided meditation has been created by the collective consciousness of Angels! To release what no longer serves you for your highest good in order to empower you and bring you forth into your light!

Click here to Ancient Sacred Meditation.

With this technique, you are surrounded by a protective Source love-light pyramid from the beginning to the end of the session. Know this and feel it so that you may further surrender to the infinite Reiki Healing energies.

Your Higher Self guides and protects you all along the way, from start to finish. Your higher self is you, so who to trust better than yourself?

13) When receiving healing of your mind, body, soul you may experience after session exhaustion, extra energy, cold/flu like symptoms, vomit/diarrhea, headache, continual downloads, profound dreams, synchronicities, development of your gifts. Be prepared to take care of yourself, sleep as needed and drink plenty of water during this process. Working is not recommended for the day.


Noel ♥️

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